Friday, July 10, 2009

I'Ve Got It!


Me Amigos.... fella... I just got these couple of the two last Twilight SAGA that I'm looking for before this...
Eclipse and Breaking Down..

Nobody gave to me but I bought them at BP Mall with RM69.80 by my self. Wow! Cheap right!

My Twilight SAGA collection was completed by my own money. Now! I'm getting busier with my Bella and Edward. Almost every night I'm dated with them.

These books are such a wonderful, romantic, and it can make my adrenaline chaotic at the same time... I don't know how to express my emotion, feeling toward that story...

Some people said that I'm too show of that I'm reading English novel with 5 inches thickness.. But you know what people...


You can say what ever you want to say... I'm not paying you to do so...
Since I'm happy with my life and what I'm taking, and as long you're not ruin my life..
It's OK.

Just SMILE Always. (*_*) v

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