I hate the person who called himself a GANTLE MAN (konon) whom not respect WOMEN. Even our Prophet know how to respects women. Rasullallah S. A. W. Sangat menghormati Wanita dengan menjadikan para ‘single mother’ mujahidin sebagai Isteri Baginda. Baginda mengangkat martabat wanita di mata dunia (On that Century la) Well, sepertimana yang kita maklum, dimana pada masa tersebut kaum lelaki menganggap kaum wanita sebagai hamba dan membunuh bayi perempuan yg lahir. Is that the horror thing that they can do and ever happen in the world, isn’t it??? Chop!!! Dierg x terfikir ke, tanpa kaum perempuan, dierg x kan ade waris.. Betul x??? Ntahlah... Kadang2 x faham dengan pemikiran orang Jahiliah ni.
Ok. Back to our era k.. Era Millennium kononnya... but for me, still ramai lagi manusia yang berpikiran seperti kaum Jahiliah pada masa sekarang. Tak percaya?? Contohnyer ade depan mata saya. Errr.. U guyz x Nampak??? Memanglah... kuikuikui...
Let me tell U a story about Lelaki Itu yang x patut dicontohi. Untuk pemahaman situasi, Jom baca additional info about Lelaki Itu.
Description: Married. Have a good wife (as what he told me lah) Got few kids. Working separately with his wife. I mean not in the same company even same region la. Weekend husband la kate kan... Tapi kalau nak balik tu boleh je. Beza perjalanan tu dalam 3 jam plus minus la kan...
The story begins when a single mother in Lelaki Itu’s Office came. She just a lovely and friendly lady which is easy to friend with her. But Lelaki Itu takes for granted at that lady’s status. Lelaki Itu mula mempunyai niat lain selain daripada sekadar bersahabat. Without that lady knows, Lelaki Itu makes up a story and spread it to all Lelaki Itu colleagues that Lelaki Itu and The lady are in serious relationship. One day, the Lady heard about that story and face up with Lelaki Itu. She was so angry and has no idea why Lelaki Itu buat cerita@publisity murahan like that. Lelaki Itu said that he love that Lady. What??? The Lady knows her status and Lelaki Status status as Laki Orang. Then why Lelaki Itu doing like that??? Lelaki Itu said “Nothing. I just pity for u and I want to marry with u”. Have your wife know about this?? Nope. The Lady said NO!. She know how the feeling being MADU because she was. The Lady got a close friend=housemate=officemate. With a Hati yg Bengkak + Malu ditolak, Lelaki Itu pergi mengadu nasib kepada Lady’s Friend itu. But silap hari bulan la kan, that Lady’s Friend tu x suke lelaki yg suka memburuk2 kan perempuan lain, apatah org yg diburukkan itu adalah kawan dia. She asked Lelaki Itu, “U ade prob dgn wife ke?”. “xde. Ok je” Then why U do that to your wife=cheating her?” “xde paper. Saja. Kesian tegok the Lady.Tapi the Lady x kenang diuntung ade orang nak kat dia. I can get even better than her. Klo I nak, I nak yg bertudung litup, gaji besar, get better than my wife. Ramai lagi yg tengah tunggu I. Doktor ade, pensyarah ade. Dah la janda. Memilih sgt. I’m not the person utk dipilih2. Dasar Perempuan gatal. Suke pasang byk. Sbb tu la menjanda.....bla..bla.. byk lg la.. sampai rasa meleleh je nanah kat telinger ni. With a soft voice (dgn niat x nak sakit kan ati lelaki Itu yg x sedar diri) the Lady’s fren cakap x yah la kawan dgn The lady and find another one that better than her. So why u get sad bila cinta u ditolak?? Dia kan x sebaik wife U?? Lelaki Itu terdiam. After that, the Lady no longer gets in touch or speaks with the Lady.
Kenapa saya bangkitkan cerita Lelaki Itu??? Sebab saya nak bagi kepada lelaki sekalian, Jauhilah perbuatan seperti Lelaki Itu. It’s so annoying ok. Menjengkelkan!. Please DO RESPECT OTHERS especially WOMEN... (ceh! Dah macam Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga la plak)
Kesalahan Lelaki Itu:
1) Made up a story pasal hubungan intim dgn the Lady
2) Mamaki hamun wanita sesuka hati
3) Cheating on her wife
4) Memandang rendah on ‘single mother’ status
5) Riak + Takbur=Perasan Hot
6) Memburuk2kan orang lain
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